You may notice the signs when cookies are baked unevenly, or your casserole has cold pockets within. While your oven may still heat, there could be indications that something within the elements is malfunctioning if the oven is not heating evenly. A professional appliance technician can easily diagnose the problem and replace any broken elements. Below, let's examine some common reasons why your oven may be heating unevenly.

●      Malfunctioning Temperature Sensor

The temperature sensor is one of the most common reasons for an oven to heat unevenly. The temperature sensor works to regulate the amount of resistance going through the heating elements, causing the temperature within the oven to rise. If the sensor is malfunctioning, it could be sending the wrong message to the electrical currents, causing the oven to heat unevenly. A service technician will be able to test the temperature sensor with an ohm meter and determine if the sensor must be replaced.

●      Malfunctioning Igniter

In gas ovens, the igniter works by opening the safety valve to allow gas to enter the oven where the gas is then ignited. If the igniter is malfunctioning or damaged, it can cause the valve to stay open too long. This can greatly impact the inside temperature of the oven, causing it to heat unevenly. The igniter will weaken throughout the life of the oven and will eventually need replaced. If the igniter stays glowing for longer than 90 seconds, it is a good indication the igniter has worn out.

●      Malfunctioning Baking Element

An oven is heated by either the bake element or the broil element. If the bake element is damaged or burned out, only the broil element is working to heat the oven. This can create an uneven temperature within. This problem is usually easy to diagnose. If the bake element has pitting, holes, or does not glow red when the oven is turned on, it could very easily be the culprit for a malfunctioning oven. A professional oven repair technician will be able to test the element with a multimeter to determine if it must be replaced.

●      Malfunctioning Oven Control Board

The oven control board works together with the temperature sensor to create the desired temperature within the oven. Sometimes, though, the oven control board does not communicate correctly. When the oven control board cannot read the temperature sensor, your oven can become hotter or cooler than the desired temperature. Several major brands of ovens have the ability to recalibrate the oven control board. This can be changed to either 35℉ hotter or cooler to create an even, and accurate temperature within the over.


Not only is a malfunctioning oven frustrating when you are trying to cook and bake, it can become a dangerous situation. At G&G Appliance Service, we offer fast solutions to your appliance problems. Our team is professional, knowledgeable, and dedicated to customer service. We offer a range of services to help repair several appliances found within your home.


To learn more about how we can help, contact our team today. On our site you will be able to see the several brands we can service as well as the various types of appliances.